Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Keel and centreboard trunk added and the Bl y Deadwood too

This is what she looks like now, with outer Stem added
Keel added, Deadwood added and Centreboard trunk added

Arlene cuts the Centreboard Trunk Cleat

Arlene cuts the hole for the centreboard slot

Cutting the centreboard trunk slot

The Centreboard Trunk with its cleat at top.  We joined this up to the hull
with 4-foot long Japanese clamps. That worked well. Then 2" screws to hold it.

Cutting the Deadwood was a real hassle.  Neither our Band Saw nor our
Table Saw was big enough to cut it, so we had to cut by hand and by
cross cutting by band saw and jig saw.  Here you see a plywood pattern
to try to make sure the whole thing came to some approximation of
what it was supposed to.

And this is it in its original form, after hand cutting and band-saw
cutting.  A real hassle and it turned out to be a bit of a dogs breakfast....

And here it is on the boat.  Still needs some trimming.... The magic of
epoxy putty will help too...

The reason for the Deadwood being such a hassle is that neither my table saw nor my band saw was big enough to cut it.  Mine are good house-hold versions, but I think whats needed are industrial versions, with a jaw of 12" for band saw or radius of 10" for table saw.  

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